Donate TO support UNIPGC

Donate to Support Us

Now, more than ever, we need your support. Governments and people around the world are facing complex challenges that defy national borders.
Your donation will help us strengthen international cooperation in order to make the world a safer, more peaceful, and more prosperous place. Make a tax-deductible donation today.

  • Account Name: UNIPGC AFRICA
  • Bank Name: FCMB Bank
  • Account Number: 2000552656
  • Currency: USD

  • Account Name: UNIPGC AFRICA
  • Bank Name: FCMB Bank
  • Account Number: 2000517251
  • Currency: Naira

  • Account Name: UNIPGC AFRICA
  • Bank Name: Access Bank, Rwanda
  • Account Number: 1002100201629201
  • Bank Address: Avenue De La Paix, Immeable KIC Town, Kigali, Rwanda
  • Swift Code: BKORRWRW
  • Currency: USD

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