About Us

The United International Peace and Governance Council (UNIPGC) formerly International Peace and Governance Council (IPGC), Atlanta, USA is a Civil Society/Diplomatic organization devoted to the promotion of Sustainable Peace, Good Governance Advocacy and Poverty Eradication across the Globe.
Our principal means of achieving our goals are through enlightenments, seminars, conferences, interventions, conflict resolutions, mediations, publications, lectures and deployment of peace emissaries as the need arises.

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For more information about SDG PEACE LEADERSHIP EXCELLENCE AWARD, Click here

We have established Educational Capacity building Institutions such as Chartered Institute of Peace and Governance (CIPG) and American University of Peace and Governance (AUPG) serving as veritable platforms of training diplomats, leaders and peace ambassadors worldwide. Our educational program seeks to develop capacities of global leaders with focus on promoting the principles that foster Good Governance and peaceful co-existence of societies.
We aim to collaborate with various world Governments, United Nations Agencies and other Diplomatic Missions to support the mandates of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. We are working closely with United Nations Associations that exist in various countries to lubricate and oil the wheels of relationships between the United Nations and the people of member states and also create public awareness on the various activities of UN.

  • Our Objectives

  • Promotion of Sustainable Peace and Good Governance Advocacy
  • Election Monitoring
  • Alleviation and Eradication of Poverty through Charitable Programs.
  • Implementation of Sustainable Development Goals
  • Encouraging Security and Disarmaments
  • Promotion of Human Rights
  • Assisting in the provision of Humanitarian needs
  • Training and Orientation of Community Peace Ambassadors.


UNIPGC is Governed by the Supreme Council which constitutes the highest order of the organogram and is headed by the Global President who doubles as the Chairman of the Supreme Council to oversee the affairs of all activities and programs of UNIPGC worldwide.

The Supreme Council consists of High ranking personalities and professionals who are experts in various fields informing the general public of the activities, importance and values of the United Nations. Our highest decision-making body, The Supreme Council is currently headed by His Excellency, Ambassador (Dr) Jonathan Ojadah.

The Global President is assisted and deputized by Continental Vice Presidents and Secretary Generals who are prominent diplomats, university dons, seasoned technocrats, senior public servants, senior security officials and recognizable individuals who have made their marks and join him at the table of the Supreme Council to oversee the affairs of each continent and give reports to the Global President and Chairman Of the Supreme Council.

UNIPGC function in various continents through the Secretary General who assists and reports to the Continental Vice President. The Secretary General is the continental adminiatrator who appoints and controls the affairs of the Regional Directors, Country Directors, Country Chiefs, Special Envoys, Advisory Boards who discharge their responsibilities as charted by the General Assembly after taking into consideration the pressing challenges that need attention in our list of goals and objectives. Contact us here

  • Our Institutional Partners

  • Highstone International University, California, USA
  • London Academy Business School, UK
  • Chartered Institute of Local Govt & Public Administration of Nigeria

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