SDG Peace Leadership Excellence Award

SDG Peace Leadership Excellence Award

The Programmes of UNIPGC include, but not limited to the following:

Training and Capacity Building

UNIPGC provides trainings, capacity building and academic operations including seminars in conflict management, conflict resolution and peace education. This capacity building program aims to support research that produces policy-oriented recommendations for current problems and identifies longer-term trends and patterns in international politics that hold implications for peace, security and governance. We organize workshops for certification in conflict management in public policies; certification as a negotiator and mediator; certification of training for trainers in conflict management.

Peacebuilding Networks & Information Systems

UNIPGC focuses on promoting the establishment of peacebuilding networks at both the national and international levels, aimed at supporting long-lasting peaceful democratic progress. We provide assistance in effectively utilizing available procedures of United Nations bodies and specialized agencies related with Peace Keeping, Anti-Terrorism, Social, Cultural, Democracy, Education, Health, Human Rights and of other International and Regional Organizations; Providing legal and Public relations advice; Providing an information service for dissemination of information provided by the members to the public, Governments, International and Regional Organizations.

Advisory Roles/Consultation

Our Experts in various fields provide advisory roles, consultation, counselling and mediation to manage and resolve conflicts by peaceful means at the local, regional and national levels.

Seminars and Conferences

We organize seminars and conferences on international issues of human rights violations, Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Mechanisms, Youth and women development.

Election Monitoring

We provide services in monitoring of Elections and Referenda.

Development of Democratic Institutions

UNIGPC provides assistance in development of democratic institutions and processes.

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SDG Leadership Awards

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